Lab mmap

- 11 mins


由于本实验需要在其他程序代码中使用例如:struct file, MAP_SHARE等宏或者是结构体,当出现相关报错时请严格以以下顺序添加头文件至相关代码中一定要按顺序,原因请了解链接

#include "fs.h"
#include "sleeplock.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "file.h"


1 mmap & munmap

C programmmer's manual中对mmap & munmap的描述如下:

mmap() creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process.  The starting address for the new mapping is specified in addr.  The length argument specifies
       the length of the mapping (which must be greater than 0).

       If addr is NULL, then the kernel chooses the (page-aligned) address at which to create the mapping; this is the most portable method of creating a new mapping.  If addr is  not
       NULL,  then the kernel takes it as a hint about where to place the mapping; on Linux, the kernel will pick a nearby page boundary (but always above or equal to the value speci‐
       fied by /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr) and attempt to create the mapping there.  If another mapping already exists there, the kernel picks a new address that may or may not depend
       on the hint.  The address of the new mapping is returned as the result of the call.

       The contents of a file mapping (as opposed to an anonymous mapping; see MAP_ANONYMOUS below), are initialized using length bytes starting at offset offset in the file (or other
       object) referred to by the file descriptor fd.  offset must be a multiple of the page size as returned by sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE).

       After the mmap() call has returned, the file descriptor, fd, can be closed immediately without invalidating the mapping.

       The prot argument describes the desired memory protection of the mapping (and must not conflict with the open mode of the file).  It is either PROT_NONE or the  bitwise  OR  of
       one or more of the following flags:

       PROT_EXEC  Pages may be executed.

       PROT_READ  Pages may be read.

       PROT_WRITE Pages may be written.

       PROT_NONE  Pages may not be accessed.

       The  flags  argument determines whether updates to the mapping are visible to other processes mapping the same region, and whether updates are carried through to the underlying
       file.  This behavior is determined by including exactly one of the following values in flags:

      Share this mapping.  Updates to the mapping are visible to other processes mapping the same region, and (in the case of file-backed mappings) are carried through to  the
              underlying file.  (To precisely control when updates are carried through to the underlying file requires the use of msync(2).)

       MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE (since Linux 4.15)
       This  flag  provides  the  same  behavior  as  MAP_SHARED  except  that  MAP_SHARED  mappings  ignore unknown flags in flags.  By contrast, when creating a mapping using
       MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE, the kernel verifies all passed flags are known and fails the mapping with the error EOPNOTSUPP for unknown flags.  This mapping  type  is  also  required to be able to use some mapping flags (e.g., MAP_SYNC).
       Create  a  private copy-on-write mapping.  Updates to the mapping are not visible to other processes mapping the same file, and are not carried through to the underlying file.  It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.

   Both MAP_SHARED and MAP_PRIVATE are described in POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008.  MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE is a Linux extension.
   Memory mapped by mmap() is preserved across fork(2), with the same attributes.

       A file is mapped in multiples of the page size.  For a file that is not a multiple of the page size, the remaining memory is zeroed when mapped, and writes to that  region  are
       not  written  out  to the file.  The effect of changing the size of the underlying file of a mapping on the pages that correspond to added or removed regions of the file is un‐

       The munmap() system call deletes the mappings for the specified address range, and causes further references to addresses within the range to  generate  invalid  memory  refer‐
       ences.  The region is also automatically unmapped when the process is terminated.  On the other hand, closing the file descriptor does not unmap the region.

       The  address  addr  must be a multiple of the page size (but length need not be).  All pages containing a part of the indicated range are unmapped, and subsequent references to
       these pages will generate SIGSEGV.  It is not an error if the indicated range does not contain any mapped pages.

根据手册描述,mmap有6个参数。第一个参数addr,表示希望映射的虚拟地址的起点,如果为0,表示希望系统调用分配一个可用空间;第2个参数length,表示希望分配的虚拟空间的字节大小;第三个参数prot,表示该虚拟空间希望拥有的操作权限(在本实验中,仅涉及PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE or both);第4个参数flag,表示希望分配的虚拟空间的分配规则(在本实验中,仅涉及MAP_SHARED, MAP_PRIVITE);第5个参数fd,表示一个文件描述符;第6个参数offset,表示希望映射的文件的起始位置偏移量(在本实验中,偏移量默认为0,表示从文件的起始位置开始映射)。




2 添加系统调用

在用户层面,修改 & user.h,增加两个系统调用的函数声明和两个系统调用的入口点。具体添加方法,参考syscall实验。


为了方便后面测试和调试,可以将trap实验中的backtrace部分添加至本实验。方便自己在程序出错时,追踪函数调用过程。(附加使用:$ addr2line -e kernel/kernel)。

3 设计VMA结构

由于mmap要分配可用的虚拟内存空间,而且希望能够知道那些空间是可以用的。那我们可以设计一个VMA结构体,来保存已经分配的虚拟地址空间。在6.s081 lecture 17中,介绍了一些关于vma的设计。

3.1 VMA基本属性值

3.2 动态分配VMA


3.3 静态分配VMA


figure 1



struct vma {
  struct file *file;
  uint64 addr;
  uint64 pos;
  uint length;
  uint size;
  int prot;
  int flag;

并在struct proc中添加16个vma块(NVMA已在kernel/parma.h中定义,为16):

struct vma vma[NVMA];

3.4 初始化VMA

3.4.1 用户可用的虚拟空间

首先了解一下xv6 book的用户进程的虚拟地址的分配:

figure 2


figure 3

VMA具体分配如本文章的figure 1所示。

3.4.2 预分配

我们定义va表示一个块的顶地址,比如初始时为trapframe的下端VAMAX - 2 * PGSIZE,当分配一个块的时候,将va的值减去要分配的块的大小,即得到了一个快的起始地址;并将该块的size属性修改为对应的大小。

初始化的代码如下(添加至kernel/proc.c: allocproc()):

  uint64 va = MAXVA - 2 * PGSIZE;
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
    va -= 2 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].size = 2 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].pos = va;

  for (int i = 6; i < 10; ++i) {
    va -= 4 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].size = 4 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].pos = va;

  for (int i = 10; i < 13; ++i) {
    va -= 8 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].size = 8 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].pos = va;

  for (int i = 13; i < 15; ++i) {
    va -= 16 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].size = 16 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].pos = va;

  for (int i = 15; i < 16; ++i) {
    va -= 32 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].size = 32 * PGSIZE;
    p->vma[i].pos = va;

4 实现sys_mmap


4.1 获得系统调用参数


4.2 检查权限


4.3 搜索可用VMA


4.4 代码

  uint64 addr;
  uint length;
  int prot;
  int flag;
  int fd;
  uint offset;

  argaddr(0, &addr);
  argint(1, (int*)&length);
  argint(2, &prot);
  argint(3, &flag);
  argint(4, &fd);
  argint(5, (int*)&offset);

  struct proc *p = myproc();
  struct file *file = p->ofile[fd];

  if (prot & PROT_READ) {
    if (!file->readable) {
      return -1;

  if (prot & PROT_WRITE) {
    if (!file->writable && flag != MAP_PRIVATE) {
      return -1;

  for (int i = 0; i < NVMA; ++i) {
    if (!p->vma[i].length && p->vma[i].size >= length) {
      p->vma[i].file = file;
      p->vma[i].addr = p->vma[i].pos;
      p->vma[i].length = length;
      p->vma[i].prot = prot;
      p->vma[i].flag = flag;
      return p->vma[i].addr;

  return -1;

5 系统异常scause: 0xd

当实现完上述代码之后,运行mmaptest测试,会得到scause = 0xd的错误。通过查询risc-v手册可得,0xd的错误表示Load Page Fault。产生这个错误的原因是分配虚拟内存时并没有对物理页面进行映射,所以读取页面是时会发生错误。

为了解决这个错误,我们引入了vma page fault的页面错误处理。

6 VMA page fault


6.1 处理机制

6.2 代码


vmapagefault(struct proc *p, uint64 va)
  int index;
  for (index = 0; index < NVMA; ++index) {
    if (p->vma[index].addr <= va && va < p->vma[index].addr + p->vma[index].length) {

  if (index >= 16) {
    printf("not vma\n");
    return -1;

  uint64 pa;

  if ((pa = (uint64)kalloc()) == 0) {
    printf("kalloc failed\n");
    return -1;

  memset((void*)pa, 0, PGSIZE);

  if (readi(p->vma[index].file->ip, 0, pa, va - p->vma[index].pos, PGSIZE) < 0) {
    printf("readi failed\n");
    return -1;

  int perm = PTE_U | (p->vma[index].prot << 1);

  if (mappages(p->pagetable, va, PGSIZE, pa, perm) < 0) {
    printf("mapapges failed\n");
    return -1;

  return 0;


7 实现sys_munmap



7.1 获得系统调用参数


7.2 是否为VMA?


7.3 检查合法性


7.4 写回文件


7.5 解除和物理内存之间的映射


7.6 修改VMA块属性





7.7 代码

  uint64 addr;
  uint length;

  argaddr(0, &addr);
  argint(1, (int*)&length);

  struct proc *p = myproc();

  int index;
  for (index = 0; index < NVMA; ++index) {
    if (p->vma[index].addr <= addr && addr < p->vma[index].addr + p->vma[index].length) {

  if (index >= 16) {
    return -1;

  if (length > p->vma[index].length) {
    return -1;

  if (p->vma[index].flag == MAP_SHARED) {
    filewrite(p->vma[index].file, addr, length);

  uint64 va;
  for (va = addr; va < addr + length; va += PGSIZE) {
    pte_t *pte = walk(p->pagetable, va, 0);

    if (*pte & PTE_V) {
      uvmunmap(p->pagetable, va, 1, 0);

  p->vma[index].addr = addr + length;
  p->vma[index].length -= length;

  if (p->vma[index].length == 0) {

  return 0;


8 完善fork & exit

8.1 fork


代码如下(kernel/proc.c: fork()):

  for (i = 0; i < NVMA; ++i) {
    np->vma[i] = p->vma[i];
    if (np->vma[i].length) {

8.2 exit


代码如下(kernel/proc.c: exit()):

    for (int i = 0; i < NVMA; ++i) {
    if (p->vma[i].length) {
      if (p->vma[i].flag == MAP_SHARED) {
        filewrite(p->vma[i].file, p->vma[i].addr, p->vma[i].length);

      uint64 va;
      for (va = p->vma[i].addr; va < p->vma[i].addr + p->vma[i].length; va += PGSIZE) {
        pte_t *pte = walk(p->pagetable, va, 0);
        if (*pte & PTE_V) {
          uvmunmap(p->pagetable, va, 1, 0);

      p->vma[i].length = 0;


经过一天的努力,重构了一次代码,测试结果如下,至此,也完成了整个6.1810 operation system course lab fall 2022

== Test   mmaptest: mmap f ==
  mmaptest: mmap f: OK
== Test   mmaptest: mmap private ==
  mmaptest: mmap private: OK
== Test   mmaptest: mmap read-only ==
  mmaptest: mmap read-only: OK
== Test   mmaptest: mmap read/write ==
  mmaptest: mmap read/write: OK
== Test   mmaptest: mmap dirty ==
  mmaptest: mmap dirty: OK
== Test   mmaptest: not-mapped unmap ==
  mmaptest: not-mapped unmap: OK
== Test   mmaptest: two files ==
  mmaptest: two files: OK
== Test   mmaptest: fork_test ==
  mmaptest: fork_test: OK
== Test usertests ==
$ make qemu-gdb
usertests: OK (222.1s)
== Test time ==
time: OK
Score: 140/140
Pei Meng

Pei Meng

Someone who interested in Computer Architecture.